Sunday, December 12, 2010

easy scarf options

Need some more easy sewing ideas? The Christmas deadline is coming up fast and if you don't have alot of time, these scarf ideas are quick and easy to make. First is a no-sew fleece scarf. Fleece is a great fabric. It is soft, washable and doesn't fray. With only 0.3m of fleece you can make this. To fringe the ends, measure in from the end about 5cm and trace a chalk line. With very sharp scissors, cut up to the line every 1cm spacing. Repeat on other end. As easy as that!
Another easy scarf idea that is also a hit on this Fall's runway is the Infinity scarf. I mentioned this in a September blog as a fall trend. Instructions are below from a sewing magazine SewStylish, fall 2010 edition, page 92. Shown on the runways for both men and women.

Last but not least is this printed silk velvet scarf with silk satin lining and fringe. The concept is a cinch but the actual sewing is a challenge especially if you choose 2 difficult fabrics such as velvet and satin. All it is, is a rectange each of satin and velvet (or any other EASIER fabrics) measuring 0.3m x 1.5m. Pin and baste 0.3m of fringe to each short end of your scarf fabric - in this case the velvet. With right sides together, pin and stitch lining to velvet, leaving an opening about 4cm big in order to turn everything inside out. Slipstitch opening closed.
Even with a walking foot, I had issues with the satin "creeping" so one side ended up longer than the other side. After numerous times of stitching and un-stitching, I still could not get both sides to finish evenly with the velvet. In the end, I trimmed off the "excess" satin.
The scarf is gorgous and a luxury to wear. After all that frustration, I think the happy recipient of this gift will be ....... ME!


  1. Hi there! I visited your shop on Monday and you were interested in where I found the pattern for those womens kimono shoes. Here is the link:
    PS: did you enter my giveaway? still time :)

  2. Thanks Gabrielle. Too late for the giveaway but congrats to the international winners! No one from Canada :(
