Attended the Abbotsford Quilter's Guild show at Tradex in Abbotsford June 10 & 11, 2011. Over 400 quilts were on display with a heavy emphasis on traditional quilts. Here are some of my favorites.

This quilt was made by using old T-shirts. Because T-shirts are stretchy, the fabric must be interfaced so the blocks don't stretch out of shape. A light weight fusible pellon is fine for this. A great idea for a guy's quilt. Those old rock concert/high school gym/vacation spot t-shirts he doesn't wear but can't bear to part with .....

These two plaid fabric quilts had quite a touching story attached to them. The hanging quilt with big and small triangles was the first in this series. This quilt was made in 2002 for the quilter's son's Tour of Duty in Afghanistan. She made the quilt out of used men's plaid shirts because her son loves to wear them. The quilter chose this particular design because it symbolizes her feelings about the war and her son being there. The strife being the thunder and lightning
and the flying geese bringing him safely home back to Canada.

This second quilt on the bed was made for her son's second Tour of Duty to Afghanistan in 2010/2011. She chose used men's plaid shirts again but used a string pieced method to symbolize her feelings of worry for his safety. The cream background fabric had words of the Canadian national anthem on it which is fitting for a man serving his country. The son is now safely back home and will receive this quilt after the quilt show.

I was attracted to this quilt because of the bright colours and the fact it is made from linen. Apparently linen has a bit of stretch to it as the quilter found it tricky to try to match all the angles.
I have tried my hand at quilting. Must admit I like the choosing and piecing of the fabric but the quilting part I could do without. Oh well, to each their own!
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