It's funny how Halloween has become less a kid's event and more an adult's party time. I think I only helped a handful of parents who were making their child's/grandperson's costume. Notably, Maria who made her 11 yr grandson a pink tooth fairy costume. Chutzpah or what!

Most people I helped with their costume ideas were young adults because it seemed this year Halloween started last Monday with the parties and all. Or maybe it was alot of toga parties as a precursor.
Besides the ever popular costumes of pirates, Dracula and woodland nymphs, there were some very ingenious ideas or some quite complicated costumes in the making.

One woman bought various striped fabric as she was going as Stripes. Another wanted a simple costume, so wrapped herself up in pink tulle and went as Cotton Candy. We cut some plaid togas for Braveheart and some colourful striped wool for a Mexican bandito who was trick or treating with his 2 chihuhuas. Another guy was making himself a straitjacket. His girlfriend, in the meantime was chuckling as apparently this guy was a heavy smoker. Hmm ....
Whatever your costume, enjoy and Happy Halloween! Just consider this. Montreal has flurries for this evening.