Sunday, October 31, 2010

I forgot to mention about a girl who came in to buy some black PVC for a spider costume. She said if it doesn't work out, she was going to go as a BP oilslick. Clever, huh?


It's funny how Halloween has become less a kid's event and more an adult's party time. I think I only helped a handful of parents who were making their child's/grandperson's costume. Notably, Maria who made her 11 yr grandson a pink tooth fairy costume. Chutzpah or what!
Most people I helped with their costume ideas were young adults because it seemed this year Halloween started last Monday with the parties and all. Or maybe it was alot of toga parties as a precursor.
Besides the ever popular costumes of pirates, Dracula and woodland nymphs, there were some very ingenious ideas or some quite complicated costumes in the making.

One woman bought various striped fabric as she was going as Stripes. Another wanted a simple costume, so wrapped herself up in pink tulle and went as Cotton Candy. We cut some plaid togas for Braveheart and some colourful striped wool for a Mexican bandito who was trick or treating with his 2 chihuhuas. Another guy was making himself a straitjacket. His girlfriend, in the meantime was chuckling as apparently this guy was a heavy smoker. Hmm ....
Whatever your costume, enjoy and Happy Halloween! Just consider this. Montreal has flurries for this evening.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


It is that time of year again when we put our fall/winter fabric stock on sale. Pick up some wool flannel for a suit or some merino wool knit for some long underwear or some casual corduroy for your firewood chopping outfit! Now you're styling! Sale starts Oct. 29 until Nov. 14
Come in early to see what the "kids" are doing for Halloween costumes. Some ingenious ideas.
When you come in, please consider bringing a non-perishable food item for the Food Bank Box. Shaw, Campbell Canada (as in soup) and Safeway have pledged to match community food donations destined for our local food bank. Big THANK YOUS.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

new pattern from Folkwear

Brand new pattern from Folkwear. Just in time for winter! Check out the Metropolitan hat.
Make it out of wool or corduroy for a casual look or doupioni or velvet for an evening out.
Also watch for our Fall Fabric sale at the end of the month. Just before Halloween? Are we crazy or what!!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

baby booties pattern

My sister found the cutest baby booties pattern on the internet. Keep those tender tootsies warm this winter by making them out of fleece, flannelette or wool. Even fabric scraps can be used. I'm going to try enlarging the pattern for toddler use. For walkers, try leather, suede side out or jiffy grip on the sole so the shoes are not slippery. Remember, Christmas is just around the corner and these take no time at all!
Pattern found on under freebies- kimono baby shoes.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

breast cancer pillow challenge

Apologies for the temporary communications blackout. Seems that computer gremlins were out and about. Systems crash!! But we are now back up and running. Don't forget our Ocotober breast cancer pillow challenge. Bring in a completed breast cancer pillow and pick up a free 100m spool of Guterman sew-all thread. Stock up for all your fall sewing projects - heck - your whole year's projects! One thread per pillow. No limit. How many can you make?

Monday, October 11, 2010

Breast Cancer Awareness month

For the month of October, Breast Cancer Awareness month, Gala Fabrics will offer a free spool of 100m Guterman thread for every completed breast cancer pillow that you bring to either location. We have free kits available for you to sew up or if you have remnant cotton fabric, we can provide the pattern. Email for instructions. Sewing level - easy. These pillows provide protection and comfort to post-breast surgery patients. People who have had to use this pillow say it truly is a comfort!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

exhibition at the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria

If you have a moment, check out the exhibition at the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria running October 8, 2010 to January 30, 2011. The artist, Daniel Laskarin, has used some fabric from us in an unusual, non-garment fashion.

Monday, October 4, 2010

highly recommended sewing books

Have you wondered about some of the suggested fabrics when reading the back of a pattern envelope? Here is a handy book for your reference library; Classic and Modern Fabrics: The Complete Illustrated Sourcebook by Janet Wilson. With colour photos and detailed descriptions of current tech fabrics, classics and even obsolete fabrics this book will become a well read reference book for any sewer or fabric lover!

Couture Sewing Techniques by Claire Schaeffer is another recent addition to my reading list. Full of photos and illustrations with detailed descriptions, Schaeffer uncovers the secrets of haute couture sewing so that the simple home sewer, like me, can incoporate high fashion sewing details in my projects - just because or to show off to my fellow sewing enthusiasts!